Thursday, July 14, 2011

Cunt of the month award: passive aggressive vegan

It was a close contest right down to the wire between this vegan note-leaver here and every single other person I talked to or encountered in the world, but the coveted Cunt of the Month Award results are in, and the vegan takes it with this display of heroic cuntery. 

Second page, and the explanation from the always hurl-inspiring Passive Agressive Notes below -->

“When I moved in a year ago, my roommate was an ovo-lacto vegetarian, whereas I was (and still am) an omnivore,” explains our submitter in Brooklyn. “She used to not care about my eating habits, but about four months ago she decided to become a full-blown vegan and has been insufferable since then. Yesterday I went food shopping for myself, and when I came back from work today I found this letter on my bedside table.”

Can you still call something that shitty "passive" aggressive? What does aggressive aggressive mean then? Attacking the carnivore with a ham hock? 

Don't get it twisted, I am sensitive to the idea of animals suffering, and frankly not too psyched about the way we churn out science meat in the torture labs, or farming subsidies, obesity and all that other shit I read about one time in Mother Jones, but mostly my feeling about this specific situation is thus: 

I've got some meat for her right here, am I right fellas!!? *farts buffalo sauce* *struggles walking up stairs* 

Go read the rest over there

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