Missouri farmer David Jungerman has raised the hackles of local residents with a politically-charged sign he’s placed on his “45-foot-long, semi-truck box trailer” on his farm. The trailer reads: “Are you a Producer or Parasite Democrats – Party of the Parasites.” via
Setting aside the whole thing where we artificially prop up these sugar farmers so they can sell sugar to our sugar water factories that make everyone fat and sugar-titted, it's always nice to see the regular working man stand up for something he believes in.
Just kidding, this salt of the scorched-earth guy doesn't believe in shit.
The Raytown farmer who posted a sign on a semi-truck trailer accusing Democrats of being the “Party of Parasites” received more than $1 million in federal crop subsidies since 1995. [...]
After a story about Jungerman’s trailer ran in Sunday’s Star, however, some readers called him a hypocrite for criticizing others for getting government help while taking government subsidies paid for by taxpayers.
Jungerman said he put up the sign to protest people who pay no taxes, but, “Always have their hand out for whatever the government will give them” in social programs.
Why don't these homeless DemocRATs just pull themselves up by their corn-straps and improve their lot in life like I did? If all you poors out there wanted to make it, you probably should have inherited vast acres of land from your parents and spent your lives growing a crop no one wants at government mandated prices. That's called the American dream.