Monday, June 13, 2011

Breaking news: Fox Business is racist against not being unracist

You should probably just read this entire post over at MediaMatters about a recent Fox Business report on Ol'Bammer, since I've been sitting here slack-jawed for a half hour trying to think of a single way to make it seem any more absurd than it already does, and I got nothing. Maybe they could have shown Obama strolling to the store with a shotgun in his trench coat to get a box of Honey Nut Cheerios, or accused him of saying his favorite type of food is purple, but short of that they're pretty much all in with the stereotyping here, basketball, thug life, outdated hip hop slang, blinged-out grills, funny African names, uh, eating s'mores?
During the opening of Fox Business' Follow the Money on Friday, Eric Bolling teased a segment about the White House hosting the president of Gabon by saying, "Guess who's coming to dinner? A dictator. Mr. Obama shares a laugh with one of Africa's kleptocrats. It's not the first time he's had a hoodlum in the hizzouse."
Funny that they referenced "Guess Who's Coming to Dinner" there, the film about a presumptuous, successful Negro who thought he was better than you. Go read the rest, it's truly mind-blowing. I'll be over here reading about how we all hate Tracy Morgan now for making homophobic jokes and wondering what the difference is.

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Anonymous said...

It's bizarre that you'd share such a thing. I mean, you write for "Street Boners and TV Carnage", which is by no means a problem- it just means that you draw arbitrary lines of offensiveness. So, I just want to get this straight: You're offended at how something might be construed as "racist" but, yet not at, say, a handicapped woman rapping about how her reproductive organ is not disabled by the rest of his disability.


Who said I wasn't offended by that? (I actually didn't look at it). And besides I write for many different companies, and the weird thing is, I don't like everything thing they do or say. I have been taking pay checks from Rupert Murdoch lately in fact.

Also, calling everything racist is kind of a recurring joke on here. But that shit up there might be the first time I called something racist that was actually racist.

Anonymous said...

Mia culpa. I thought that the only reason why you included the thing on your site was to make a point. I mean, isn't that the purpose of bloging- to communicate a point?

And, what point would it have been that I (mis)understood that you were making? (Probably that it was reasonable to assume that the thing had racist undertones).

And if something had racist undertones- it would probably be more reasonable for me to assume that you didn't like the thing being that you didn't add much humor to it or express support for it.

Yea, I saw that one other thing you posted regard race and your dictionary... But, then again, homosexuality isn't a race.

Anonymous said...





Obama comin'


How is it offensive to rap about your own vagina? DO WOMEN HAVE ANY RIGHTS IN THIS COUNTRY??

Anonymous said...

right to a vagina isn't enough?


whose vagina?

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