Don't everyone piss themselves at once, but I'm going to be gone for a day or two for a bachelor thing in New Hampshire, and there's a distinct possibility I won't spend any time on the computer, if I can even get a signal, which is frightening, yes, but also the type of experience that I think could teach me a lot about myself, about my friends, and about the concept of manhood and maturity in general. Also it should be fucking boring.
Just kidding. Unless you think drinking cold ones on the reg, blasting off to the fucking moon with my tightbrogans4lyfe+beyond and swimming or whatever is boring. It may well be.
So, see you pussies in a few days. Don't let the place go to shit while I'm gone. Hopefully I'll be back with all sorts of new, exciting angles on ways to get annoyed with your friends that I can tell you about. Go read this PTSOTL Classic on HOW TO THROW A BACHELOR PARTY if you haven't already like three times.
I'll probably post something else later too, so don't consider this declaration binding or anything. Fucking lawyers.
I'll probably post something else later too, so don't consider this declaration binding or anything. Fucking lawyers.

New Hampshire should be on the list if it isn't already.
Oh christ this is this weekend?
Yup. Put your diapers on, Lebowski.
pretty sure i still have the keys to this portal, so i'll post if anything important happens like a townie scrap at a taco bell or a cow gets into a supermarket or whatever.
Oh shit, hit me on the batphone stat if that happens.
If you give me your blogger password I could make this place go to shit real quick. Other than that, not really much I can do.
That would be kind of thematically apropos I suppose.
user name: PTSOTL
password: PTSOTL
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