Saturday, June 18, 2011

Cunt of the week award

Not sure who to side with on this total viral video you guys of an argument on the Metro North commuter train in New York that everyone is lulzing about this weekend. A few thoughts to help us sort it out.

Imagine in your imagination mind, if you will, the unique tenor of a cunt's squawking, shrill, entitled voice. What does it sound like? (Don't listen to the video yet or it will spoil the answer). Got a sound bite in your head? Ok, now go watch. If that's not 100% exactly like you imagined then congratulations, you don't know any cunts. One point for you and one point for the conductor.

On the other hand the conductor seems pretty calm and reasonable here, but on the  other other hand:  "train conductors."  So... one point for the cunt. 

Buuuut, then again, in the cunt's defense, Indian people (or whatever) are usually really well educated, so.... let's call this one a tie. Except for anyone who had to ride that, specific, or any other hellish hurtling meat coffin in general to the place where they hate themselves every day. They're the real losers here. And everywhere. 

Via BoBo via the Daily What

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omg - name and shame!:

felicia said...

I love when any form of official/manager-type deals with an irate person with total calmness.

My inner black girl went "ooooh weeee" when she said how educated she is!


Ha, yeah she handled it pretty well.

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