Our man Christian is traveling across the country from Boston to LA, trolling bibles and throwing ice coffees at churches (or something). He sent these pictures and notes back from the frontlines of the retarded country.
"When you get to Texas you just assume you're going to get punched in the face or bit by a rattlesnake…or called a faggot by a rattlesnake."
"Aside from 22 year old strippers, cigarettes and steak tips, this place has pretty much everything you ever need."
"Speaking of steak, this place is nowhere near as amazing as it sounds."
"Mayor of Death Valley sounds like a pretty shitty job. I respectfully decline."
"You can't see it from this picture, but I threw an iced coffee at this joint so hard I broke my collarbone and now I'm out for the season. Still though, worth it, all things considered."
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How much does it cost to play backgammon with a hooker anyway? Just curious.
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