Evan Kenney got a serious case of the bum-outs from the Lou Reed and Metallica collababortion a while back, but he's still thinking about it. (I think he secretly wants to marry it). This live performance video puts the final nail in the zombie's brain.
The Loutallica trail of tears continues as these two rock & roll versions of impetigo decided to play to a room full of white people adjusting their collars and looking around nervously. The performance above happened last night.
It's safe to say that I have seen better crowd reactions at . Too soon?
I'll be honest, I took about a half-listen to this "modern take" on a classic VU song. It's tough to get past James' mohawk and the fact that their sound guy must have walked into a Guitar Center earlier that day and asked one of the workers if he could have 3 amps that had a sound comparable to the distortion on Hoobastank's very first demo tape. At least the new Metallica bass player (I call him "NOT Jason Newsted) decided to take the "angry gorilla playing a bass" dance from a level 10 to a level 4. Thanks, brah.
Then you have Grandma Lou shitting in his adult pampers while John Cale probably pulls a Richie Tennenbaum in the green room trying to not shave off all of his hair and slit his wrists when he witnessed this musical equivalent of a car crashing into a speedboat. The shitty part is is that Lou Reed is wearing the same outfit that I wear when I try and pick up chicks.
This is getting more and more depressing. It's like when you are 13 and your dad comes in while you are listening to Husker Du and is all, "Hey, I kind of like this, you should let me borrow this!" You then have to throw out all of your Husker Du records and start listening to Heavy D. and the Boyz. (RIP)
In conclusion, rock n' roll is dead and you have Loutallica to thank.

I was listening to old Our Lady Peace songs while I posted this though, so wtf do I know about music.
I actually think the chorus echoes everything we're wondering about Lulu
Love that emotional China-Man.
Jaysus, he does look like me granny in pampers doesn't he.
Great takedown. I'm constantly amazed how Metallica finds new ways to suck total shit.
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