This one guy I know Walter Cornelius hosts a fun comedy night called Storyliars. I wrote about it here that one time. Tonight he's doing called "Dear Mr. Belvedere: an erotic fan fiction throwdown", and I'm going to judge it or what have you. You guys should totally come! I asked him to explain what the deal was.
Hey dude, thanks for inviting me to your comedy-event [sic]. What is it again?
Hey man, no problem, it's my pleasure, I'm humbled to have a one of the premier bloggers of our very important generation who says very important things about the important big fat dump of a culture that we live in. Pop-culture? More like PLOP-culture muhRIGHT? Ahhhh, I kill me.
Who-all is going to be there now?
So speaking of important, what's more important that boners? Hardly anything is what! (Places to put boners, maybe). That's why Storyliars and Anderson Comedy are putting on a very special show this month at the Middlesex in lieu of their usual show at the Milky Way. This month we've gathered our favorite local comedians, writers, and performers for a show called "Dear Mr. Belvedere: an erotic fanfiction throwdown". It's Wow. How great is that? I can just hear the boners popping and the whatever it is that ladies do...get gooey or whatever.
Each performer has chosen a show or movie or whatever to write a short piece of fanfiction on and eroticize the balls out of it. Judges will try to hold off on plugging each others orifices long enough to maybe say snarky things and make artists feel bad about themselves or maybe just clap and pick a winner? Also, a burlesque dancer! And other surprises! Holy shit! It's a free show. We'll probably pass a hat for donations. You can yell "POOR" at us when we do.
Remind us what it's like being a guffawing-red-neck-hick from the funniest state in the country? I feel like I haven't asked you that in a while.
Every time someone from Florida makes someone laugh, god kills a person that someone from Florida made laugh...eventually.
Is there anything worse in the world than when you're at a dinner party or something, a luncheon if you will, and there's a lull in the conversation, and out of nowhere some masochist clears his throat of fondu and says he wants to tell a joke? Don't you just want to throw yourself in front of the bullet in that situation every time and say something really weird that makes the record scratch and saves this fool from ruining everyone's impression of him forever?
Saying inane things to distract people from being their stupid dying selves is what I do, yes...but nobody eats fondue in real life though, right?
Who are the names of the people we're going to laugh at on Wednesday?
Ken Reid (hosts weekends at the comedy studio, has opened for Patton Oswalt); Tim Vargulish from the sketch group Uncle Moustache; Chris Braiotta (Union Square Round Table); Katie McCarthy (Union Square Round Table); Brendan Thomas Crowley (hated by Boston media); and storytelling duo Mike and Noel.
Kind of lost steam at the end of this interview here. Does that mean I can leave this show early too?
A man of my age can only throw around the ol' exclamation mark so many times in a night.
Speaking of your cock, you're having a kid soon right? That's not funny.
I don't know what you're getting at with the kid and cock thing...did somebody tell you about the story I'm reading?
Awesome. Ok, thanks for talking to me. We'll do the part of the interview where we're both funny another time and just punch it in.
Who-all is going to be there now?
So speaking of important, what's more important that boners? Hardly anything is what! (Places to put boners, maybe). That's why Storyliars and Anderson Comedy are putting on a very special show this month at the Middlesex in lieu of their usual show at the Milky Way. This month we've gathered our favorite local comedians, writers, and performers for a show called "Dear Mr. Belvedere: an erotic fanfiction throwdown". It's Wow. How great is that? I can just hear the boners popping and the whatever it is that ladies do...get gooey or whatever.
Each performer has chosen a show or movie or whatever to write a short piece of fanfiction on and eroticize the balls out of it. Judges will try to hold off on plugging each others orifices long enough to maybe say snarky things and make artists feel bad about themselves or maybe just clap and pick a winner? Also, a burlesque dancer! And other surprises! Holy shit! It's a free show. We'll probably pass a hat for donations. You can yell "POOR" at us when we do.
Remind us what it's like being a guffawing-red-neck-hick from the funniest state in the country? I feel like I haven't asked you that in a while.
Every time someone from Florida makes someone laugh, god kills a person that someone from Florida made laugh...eventually.
Is there anything worse in the world than when you're at a dinner party or something, a luncheon if you will, and there's a lull in the conversation, and out of nowhere some masochist clears his throat of fondu and says he wants to tell a joke? Don't you just want to throw yourself in front of the bullet in that situation every time and say something really weird that makes the record scratch and saves this fool from ruining everyone's impression of him forever?
Saying inane things to distract people from being their stupid dying selves is what I do, yes...but nobody eats fondue in real life though, right?
Who are the names of the people we're going to laugh at on Wednesday?
Ken Reid (hosts weekends at the comedy studio, has opened for Patton Oswalt); Tim Vargulish from the sketch group Uncle Moustache; Chris Braiotta (Union Square Round Table); Katie McCarthy (Union Square Round Table); Brendan Thomas Crowley (hated by Boston media); and storytelling duo Mike and Noel.
Kind of lost steam at the end of this interview here. Does that mean I can leave this show early too?
A man of my age can only throw around the ol' exclamation mark so many times in a night.
Speaking of your cock, you're having a kid soon right? That's not funny.
I don't know what you're getting at with the kid and cock thing...did somebody tell you about the story I'm reading?
Awesome. Ok, thanks for talking to me. We'll do the part of the interview where we're both funny another time and just punch it in.

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