Hating the beach is one of the three original elements on which PTSOTL was founded (along with shorts, and ice cream). We've changed our opinion on the latter two things over the years, and it may be time to reconsider the first. Turns out we just weren't going to right state, as Mint E. Fresh point out below.
The ocean in Rhode Island is literally like 20 degrees warmer than in Massachusetts, and about a trillion degrees warmer than in Maine. Did people know this? How can this be true? It's just down the street from Webster for fuck's sake. In Maine in August you can't even go to the beach the water is so cold; you have to drive by it with the heat on and count that as a dip.
Massachusetts isn't much better. You run in up to your knees and go "Aw fuck" and then force yourself to go under so you can tell yourself it wasn't a complete waste of a trip. Rhodey though, you can actually swim for whole minutes! I swam around yesterday for like twenty minutes, an Olympic record. And then, the weird part is, I wanted to go back into the water after I got out instead of feeling obligated to go back in because otherwise it barely counts as having been there for some reason.
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I wonder how warm the ocean is in Worcester.
Not sure. The pool in the Holy Cross sports center, whose name I can't remember any more, is pretty warm.
I like my tequilla with gran marnier
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