Hey, get me, parasiting off of another publication's shitty link-bait listicle to bait people to click on my own jokes about their bad jokes, then linking to the piece I wrote on another site on my own blog so I can skim a few more links off the top for myself. The internet.
This post from LA Weekly about the ’20 Worst Hipster Bands’ is making the rounds today, and for good reason; it’s remarkably prescient. A lot of these bands didn’t even exist back in 2005 when this must have been written, a time when the concept of hipster band jokes seemed fresh.
Who are these hipsters we see each day in the streets, on our Tumblr feeds, and on the local news? And why are so many in bands? It’s not the mere existence of hipster groups that distresses us — some of our best friends are hipsters, after all — it’s their lemming-like tendency to, if you’ll pardon a mixed metaphor, ape each other.All good questions, LA Weekly. Some other good ones that just occurred to me: Who are these bloggers I see each day on my Twitter feed? And why are so many writing pointless slide-show link bait nothingness? And does writing about them writing about things like that make us even worse? How many of these types of pieces have we written ourselves? Should we be ashamed of that, too? Read the rest at Bullett.

Why is it that when most people start talking about hipsters, the end result is embarrassment on all sides?
Because it's people who know nothing trying to talk about something that means nothing being read by people who perceive it to mean everything?
Making fun of/using the word hipster is worse than being a hipster at this point
Yes, and it has been like that for quite some time.
Factual inaccuracy: the writer trashes Sleigh Bells for wearing their own merch line. Everyone knows wearing your own band t-shirts is quite alright for metal and punk bands. Fuck this article.
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