Tuesday, August 28, 2012

LA Times Writes Shittiest Sentence You'll Read All Week

Despite her name, Amy Kaufman has never been a man, and is in fine respiratory health, (as far as we know). And despite the fact that this lede was written in the Los Angeles Times, one of the most important newspapers in the country, the story she wrote today is neither news, nor timely, nor important, unless you’re looking for evidence of bad writing, which, as someone who’s produced a lot of it over the years, happens to be my area of expertise. Gaze upon with me then, in wonder, the worst sentence you will read all week:

Despite his name, Shia LaBeouf has never been shy.
Are or what? This piece of shit is the Shia LeBeouf of introductory sentences. ()
Here it is again:
Despite his name, Shia LaBeouf has never been shy.
“Last week, he revealed that he’s planning to have actual sex with his yet-to-be-determined female costar in an upcoming Lars Von Trier film,” it continues, referring to a director who, despite his name, has never really put all that much effort into any of his films. Read the rest at Bullett

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Bennett said...

I'm gonna go with oooooof on this one.


I believe you've correctly assessed the situation here, sir.

Anonymous said...



Admittedly I've kind of dropped the ball on the upkeep of that page. Got any favorites to share?

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