Tuesday, June 5, 2012

New Die Antwoord video

There are three artists whose new videos I will keep blogging until the end of time because they represent everything that PTSOTL stands for: crass idiocy, the antithesis of any effort toward "authenticity", and devastatingly sexy blonde chicks who front like they're hard: Die Antwoord, Kreayshawn, and... shit, just two I guess. Let's say Kreayshawn twice then just to round it out.

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I like lil debbie

Greg said...

so do I. kreay still makes better music though. the good ol' days



Afrikaans sound like it must be easy to pick up.

"Dis looke lakker mom" - "This looks tasty"

"Oh esse pleajir" - "It's my pleasure"

"I don't want that scumbag motherfucker hanging around my little sister" - "I don't want that scumbag motherfucker hanging around my little sister"


Oh yeah, Lil Debbie. Falls under Kreayshawn umbrella though.

Anonymous said...

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5AeXTFbFNEc kelle maize

chanel west coast.

raymi doesn't rap and isn't blonde anymore but it's kinda the same thing


thanks for sharing, hadn't heard. kind of yr basic ass slutwaver. kind of puts into perspective how good KeSha actually is at what she does. Needed a big giant dumb hook in there.

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