This is an old one, but Jerry Sandusky getting convicted and all of your subsequently hilarious rape jokes made me want to repost it as a reminder. It's funny because he's a man, you see.
I'm not saying that every dude that ever got arrested for anything doesn't deserve to be locked away for as long these hippie activist judges will let us get away with, but making jokes about their sexual torture seems maybe a tad distasteful. Could just be me. I'm sort of what you might call a decent human being.
Ok, just kidding on that last bit, but how did this become such a knee jerk joke? Seriously, go talk to any dude you can find about prison, and if he doesn't bring up prison rape within thirty seconds then he's either 1) a big fucking phony trying to prove something (like with this post, for example) or 2) someone who's actually been raped in prison. Anthropologists have pulled tribes of pygmies out of remote island jungles cut off from civilization for thousands of years, and the first thing they say when you bring up prison is "Don't drop the soap, am I right fellas!?"
Don't drop the soap. Hehe! Cause then you'll get raped! I've heard Dick Cheney workshopping bits with more sensitivity at evil open mic nights. Haven't you got any Holocaust abortion one liners you've been working on? I hope you get sent to joke prison and get raped in your cliche face.

That's weird, I actually HAVE been working on Holocaust abortion one liners.
let's hear em
i'd love to hear them too.
I'd love to hear some bits in the form of funny fucking List posts from you lot. Slackers.
I think the wolf needs to go
Let's not get crazy. I would like a new design for the entire thing though. Too bad all my dozens of designer friends are fucking lazy mopes. Got an idea for a new logo feel free to share.
hmmm. not really feeling that dude so much. lemme just go ahead and think about that one for a while.
tell you what, having a cabinet to display your figurines is definitely on something, now what is it?
right next to Halloween. Fucking Halloween.
why did hitler really commit suicide?
Because he got raped in prison.
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