Wednesday, June 27, 2012

New worst song of all time: TH3R3S R3ALLY NO 1 LYKE ME

Yesterday on Bullett I was writing about "Six Pack", the new video from Gifted But Twisted, which you can go watch here but probably shouldn't to be honest as it's the new worst song of all time of the day of the week. "Who can even tell what’s supposed to be a joke and what’s supposed to be real anymore?" I asked. "Entertainment has brutalized us all."

Kind of wish I had held off with that whole thing until today when I came across this deluge of brain diarrhea "TH3R3S R3ALLY NO 1 LYKE ME " (h/t JTTS), because it's everything I said about the "Six Pack" video and more. The video, by I don't even know, some girl on the internet?, is an unending parade of tits, of both the figurative and literal variety, with naked chicks bathing in blood in the bathtub and eating pizza, booty-dancing on a hotel bed, and tripping fucking balls. It's like the Rob Zombie version of a blogg-rap mushroom trip. The weird thing is, the beat is kind of nice, but there's really no salvaging the nasal-whine-rap. Wait, is this what someone like Lil Debbie sounds like to old squares? Shit. I see where you guys are coming from now with all the shade. But this isn't like that. It's not one of those, LOL, is this bad or good I can't tell, type of joints, this is more like, I don't want to do this anymore. Watch it below.

UPDATE: Goddammit, I like it now. Never mind everything above.

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Anonymous said...

that slice looks pretty good anyway


Usually what I end up looking like when I get drunk and eat pizza actually.


Wow...are you suffering for all our sins or something?


Sometimes hate myself.

Anonymous said...

I kept skipping forward thinking that the song hadn't started yet and it was just a really long weird intro. Then it ended.

Meustard. said...

music sucks.


I can't decide if I'm too old or too young for this.


This song has no age.


When I was in art school we could afford the sequins but not the hotel room.

Also, we could not afford the strip club booty jiggle at the time. After all, it was the nineties.

We could afford $5 tabs of acid on Thursday nights at Axis and angel dust blunts.

I am going to watch again, but only to prove that I can survive any tragedy.


Afraid ptsotl is having a bad influence on yr sbrty today. :/


PTSOTL keeps me sbr! ONE POST AT A TIME.
Red tight girl is a pervs! Make her stop that! Will only watch one more time to see if this is really happening!


this is awesome


take that OFF the shit list

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