Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Sidewalk Patio Dining


Finally nice out, so here we go again with this shit. Point your face at this seasonal PTSOTL classic from the hate vault.

Well isn't this just lovely? It's like an idyllic little picnic! You remember those picnics we used to have? Where we'd spread out the blanket by the trash heap of exhaust blown cigarette butts and dog shit? Then we'd mainline delivery truck fumes straight into our lungs and listen to red knuckled rush hour commuters lean into the horn for forty five minutes while trying to choke down a 30 dollar halibut?

You ceviche eating motherfuckers need to take that shit inside. You're taking up the 4 inches of sidewalk space left over from the parade of dogs, baby strollers, bike riders and carnival freaks that already have dibs on ruining my trip down the city sidewalk.

You know they have a name for people who eat outside already, right? They're called hobos. And guess what, they don't eat there because it's quaint. And they aren't paying $12 plus tip for a glass of rose either. But hey, enjoy the sun I guess. Nice day for a soot sandwich anyway.

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Anonymous said...

you are pretty funny sometimes... you ever think about stand up comedy... oh wait, you are probably too much of a pussy



Yeah, I figured I could just go stand up there and speak a few of these list bits out loud and it would be as easy as that. Next thing you know I'm Dane Cook, only douchier. But something tells me it's not that easy.


also, "Sometimes"? come on.

Anonymous said...

yeah you would suck at first but could get good with practice... ha. this is sean brennan btw haha


Hey there old buddy. Pretty much how it would go, you're right. I AM GONNA BE FAMOUS

Anonymous said...

haha you always were an attention whore... but seriously, congrats on your new book and looks like your getting published alot so thats cool...


thank you sir. haha, true, I have been honing my skills since 8th grade ;)

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