Tuesday, May 17, 2011

The single worst song you'll hear all month represents the end of music

Somebody watch the rest of this video from and tell me if that headline is true or not. I had to bail once I heard what sounded like Super Mario arguing with his mom about why it's unfair she won't drive him to the mall to fight dragons. Do you have any idea how giant this band is going to be/ probably is already? Let's see, how many tweens out there do you think love guttural demon screaming, video game sounds, fake hardcore, shitty drumming and entry level AZN emo twinks with multi-colored hair? 

UPDATE: Shit, I knew I shouldn't have gone back to listen more. I kind of like this now. And that's why you don't try heroin even once, kids. 

UPDATE 2: Should have figured Sergeant D at Metal Sucks would've been on point with this shit.  My man there is like a police dog who works for the Music Crimes Investigation Unit.

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Did you do a bit on Rebecca Brown's "Friday"? If it was on The List, I may have missed it. That was the single worst song ever.


I invented Rebecca Black, son.


Anonymous said...

I like the part where they get quiet for a second.


Good god, I'm being compelled to go back in and listen again. It's like the video from the Ring or some shit. Making me watch it. HAUNTED GHOST SCREAMOCRUNKCRABCORE

Jake McGraw said...

So (too?) many tropes. At what point does music become random? Cause, I'm fairly certain this is just straight noise.


ADHD culture innit ?Everything all the time. But not like the Band of Horses album of the same name.

Anonymous said...

The drummer is holding those sticks like my 8 year old sister trying to spike a volleyball.

Mint E. Fresh said...

"I kind of like this now."



Sergeant D said...

While I understand that inflammatory headlines are 75% more bloggable, anyone who is honest will say that the only reason to hate on this band is the way they look. If these guys looked like Trash Talk, Converge, or any other hipster hardcore band, internet fggts would be on their dicks like it was their job.

Personally, I don't really like the all the weedly weedly parts, but the slam part at like 1:00 is pretty sweet.

More than anything, I think it's fucking hilarious that these guys are labelmates with Fury Of Five and Baby Gopal.


Yeah, no one's gonna click on a link that says "I'm not sure if this is a good song or not."

I personally prefer pussy looking dudes to Converge looking ink bros.

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