Here's an interesting story. Apparently a 16 year old girl in Texas, which, I'm not even sure I'm allowed to write those words on the internet, but here goes anyway, was assaulted by a player on her high school's basketball team. Bro said "my bad" and took a plea deal, and was allowed to rejoin the team. No biggie. The cheerleader, trying tough it out, said, "OK, fuck it, I'll cheer for the team, but I'm not gonna stand there and yell out the name of my rapist. The superintendent of the school, who I'm assuming has a crooked old gray cock said "Cheer for this fucker or GTFO." Homegirl didn't do it, so she got kicked off the team. What happened next,
Business Insider?
She sued the Texas school, arguing that her free speech rights had been violated, but two courts ruled that as a cheerleader she speaks for the school, not herself, and did not have the right to refuse.
A federal appeals court upheld the ruling and ordered her to pay court costs for filing a "frivolous" lawsuit.
The cost? $45k. You know what she saved though? Her dignity. How many cheerleaders do you know that can actually say that?
On the other hand, consider it this way, if we let high school cheerleaders stop rooting for every guy that has sexually assaulted them, you'd basically end up with a team of pony-tailed mimes doing silent cartwheels to C+C Music Factory megamixes all game. No body wants that. Not even people in Texas. Not even the guy from C+C Music Factory.

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Holyyyyyyyyyy shittttttttt. How is this real?
It's not, I made it up.
I also made that up though ^
She'll be fine. She'll start selling meth to cover the cost, but then she'll start making so much money that she won't want to stop, but it'll probably get out of hand after that.
Or there will be a fund raiser for her.
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