Woof. This video is pretty great all around, but the part where the Gingrich aid turns tries to give the glitter-tosser (can I say that?) a lecture is suuuuper creepy. Is it just me or does that sort of Christian talk always sound like it's got an implied homoerotic subtext.
"So goes you, so goes the rotting of our country."
Woh, woh buddy, we just met. Take it slow.
At a book signing in Minneapolis, recently declared the hippest and gayest city in America, I greeted 2012 GOP presidential contender and former House Speaker Newt Gingrich with a shower of rainbow glitter.
"Feel the Rainbow!" I shouted. Gingrich was conducting the book signing as part of The Minnesota Family Council & Institute Annual Dinner 2011 celebration. The MFC has been an instrumental mover of a marriage inequality amendment that would enshrine discrimination in Minnesota's state constitution.
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The only thing worse than Newt Gingrich are gay activists.
At least one of them are trying to work toward something positive as opposed to taking the country backwards. Otherwise, yes.
Funny that the lecturer sounds like a dyed-in-the-wool glitter-tosser.
Definitely some heavily coded language going on here. By here I also mean this comments section.
Something positive? Yes, HIV for everyone! Fags are gay but like most people have redeeming qualities. Militant gays are Stalinists determined to dictate every facet of our lives by using government to insert speech codes at work and by subverting education to indoctrinate children in their favour.
My favourite gay, Scott Thompson, used to send them up all the time on Kids in the Hall. He's great.
...and yes, I caught the double entendres in the first anonymous post :)
If those things you said were actually true I wouldn't like them either, but as far as a cause, getting people to not want to destroy you simply for existing is a pretty reasonable one.
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