I have a Google search set up for the keywords "taco" + "fight" + "motherfuckers getting dropped", so I'm not sure how this donnybrook at Tacos Del Rio slipped through my all-seeing douche eye, but thankfully fellow scumbag, and OG PTSOTL shit-talker Dave Wedge sorted me out.
"I know you love a good fight video and this one may be the best I've seen," he said. "Yah dood, there are some boots being laid to grills in this one. Best part is the dude who starts it all gets his comeuppance, so much so that he is wobbly-legged and has to be helped out after the tsunami of violence is inflicted on his skullage."
Oh good, I love it when shit-stirrers get their shit done stirred themselves.
What else, Dave?
"Of particular note is the high-quality of the taco shop surveillance video and the fact that you can watch the brawl from three different angles. Lots going on. You could watch this one 25 times and see some new hilarious shit each time. It's high-quality viral violence (for those who like that sort of stuff, which includes me)."
"My group of Brockton friends [EDITOR'S NOTE: total shit hole of a city where fights like this probably happen every day] has been analyzing and dissecting this one all day. Here's the best commentary from the lot, courtesy of a mountain of a man we refer to as Meat: 'The shirtless dude is a total bitch. He runs in swinging like cunt, throws a table at the striped shirt guy. Grabs him and pulls him over the upturned table. Then he runs out. What a fraidy cat taco loving pussy.'"
Aren't we all though?
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that first haymaker? yikes.
I don't know why I post these things. They always make me sad.
That one dude is wobblin.
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