"There's no more touching it after this."
Good lesson about the circle of life for a kid there I suppose. Here's another, sort of related lesson for the parents involved: maybe put the fucking camera down and take the carcass out of your little girl's paws? I know you're creating some highly bloggable content here, which is a worthwhile goal of course, but kind of feel like maybe the health of this little girl is more important? /nohomo.
The more I think about it there is no way these are the girl's actual parents. Parents don't even let their kids play with a jar of peanut butter now, never mind newly-rotting flesh.
What is going on here because it's blowing my mind.
Why does the woman get pissed off at Sean at like 1:20? And why does she blaze out of there in her car? SOMETHING IS WEIRD, and I don't just mean the fact that a 6 (?) year old girl is fondling a piece of maggot meat while adults look on for lulz. Obviously some heavy hippie damage involved in this household, since no one in the world has ever used the word "respect" as a full sentence other than blazed out crackers like these.
What is going on here because it's blowing my mind.
Why does the woman get pissed off at Sean at like 1:20? And why does she blaze out of there in her car? SOMETHING IS WEIRD, and I don't just mean the fact that a 6 (?) year old girl is fondling a piece of maggot meat while adults look on for lulz. Obviously some heavy hippie damage involved in this household, since no one in the world has ever used the word "respect" as a full sentence other than blazed out crackers like these.
Also: the point where he coaches her to turn to the camera to say goodbye. Remember that moment forever.
UPDATE: Thought a little more about how most of the helicopter parents we have running around the world nowadays would literally die of shock if their kid did this, then read some of their reactions online, and now I'm team weird family. Weird parent the shit out of that weird kid.
Also part two: Just saying, but...
Tip of the dome to like four or five different friends who linked to this, but does it really matter ultimately who computer passed it along? Pretty sure pointing out where something exists on the internet isn't really anything to be that proud of anymore by now. It's like that brief moment of pride you get when someone pulls over and asks you directions to the highway and you know exactly how many lefts to take.

make it stop. totally disturbing.
I find it fascinating not disturbing.
I agree with the third label
If I had done something like this at that age in 1987, my parents would have just taken it from me and said don't touch that, and that would have been the end of it. I probably wouldn't remember that it ever happened. But now with the whole internet thing going on, this moment is immortalized, and someday that girl can look at this topless video of herself and read all the comments from complete strangers about how horrible her parents are. Isn't that kind of fucked up?
yeah dude totes.
Wot's with parents squirting gross smelling hand sanitizer all over kid's hands after they touch a fork at a restaurant or another kid's hair, but nothing from these guys?
Also, are they in Agrestic - the fictional town from Weeds? Cuz I smell money here.
My parents would have thought it fucked to touch a live squirrel for fear of rabies. My Dad is in the tree business and has a logical healthy fear of shit like that.
OOOF, and hats off to Sean for zooming in on his wife's up-top.
I hadda watch again - RESPECT!
I've watched it numerous times now. I love this girl's vibe.
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