Saturday, May 21, 2011

Rum and witches and ghosts and farms and old-timey stuff and fog

Ghost Ship 2: Ship vs. House

Went on a little day trip today to the north shore of Mass. to visit a rum distillery in Ipswich. It's called Privateer, and it's got a pretty cool story behind it. Rum, as you probably don't remember, . Bad ass by the name of Andrew Cabot, back in the Revolutionary era, had a fleet of ships that fucked with the British, who promptly got their shit took. Homeboy also smuggled molasses into the country which they brought from the Caribbean sugar-growing countries and was subsequently distilled into spirits in Mass. Rum and other manufactured goods from here were then brought to Africa where, woops, they were traded for slaves to take back to the Caribbean to harvest the sugar crops. Side note, apparently the ships that were used in this triangular trading system, like the one in the picture up there that ghosts 100% live on and probably followed me home from, were so top-heavy that they couldn't make the journey back across the ocean empty, so they filled them up with cobblestones when they'd come back from England, which is why cities like Boston and Philly have cobblestone streets that look cute but are shit to drive on. 

via what it looked like back in the day right before invisible pirates snatched up your crops

After the jump, farms, fog, buildings, bands, other weird shit. 

Stopped at this farm along the way, which didn't have anything to sell me, so I wasn't really capable of connecting on a meaningful level with regards to its consumer strategy platform. Boring. Where's all your stuff, dude? Looks like the shelves of the Dollar Store on December 26th up in here. Slightly less dirt. They did have these two staircases to nowhere that kind of freaked us out though. Obviously anyone who's spent five minutes working on a farm can probably explain what these things are for, but that person is not me, because I haven't spent five minutes working anywhere, unless you count content-farming, which is the only job I'm qualified for anyway.

No thanks. They should make some sort of game where you can do this on Facebook though, that way nerds can bombard me with spam.

Colonial era "residence for women" basically means "old-timey sluts lived here" right?

Soul cam. 

Woops, this is back in Boston. Did I mention how foggy it's been here lately? DEAR MAY, I thought you occurred during the VERNAL EQUINOX? LOL. Y U MAD AT WARMTH? Seriously though May, I'm just kidding. Just cold is all. LOL. Sincerely, your friend, Luke. Best wishes. PS: It's cold. JK.

If u guys rlly want 2 know the truth, i/ think my favorite season of all is teh AUTUMNAL EQUINOX.

Not sure what these dudes' deal is. It's like 35 degrees and everything is all fogged up like people have been fucking in the backseat of the world's car all day. Didn't even really see any food nearby for dudes to be fucking with. Maybe they just got sick of waiting around for spring and needed to head outside. You might say they got antsy. Haha, good one Luke.

They are really into witches up here in Salem, like, weirdly so. It's pretty much Harry Potter, the town, up in here with all these retarded wizard shops and shit. I'll let Wikipedia explain below, because I'm getting a little lazy by this point in this long ass post.
Featured notably in Arthur Miller's The Crucible, much of the city's cultural identity is reflective of its role as the location of the Salem Witch Trials of 1692: Police cars are adorned with witch logos, a local public school is known as the Witchcraft Heights Elementary School, the Salem High School athletic teams are named The Witches, and Gallows Hill, a site of numerous public hangings, is currently used as a playing field for various sports.

Tourists know Salem as a mix of important historical sites, New Age and Wiccan boutiques, and kitschy Halloween or witch-themed attractions.

When you've got an angle you run with it I guess, but then again, kind of weird to have your main tourist attraction and your entire city's identity based on the worst fucking thing your ancestors ever did.  Not on the same level of course, but that would be like if Cambodia started pushing the Khmer Rouge–era killing fields as a way to pull in a few extra tourist dollars

Let's see... more farm shit here. Guess they grow, like, flowers in those houses. Kind of a "green" sort of house you might call them. What else?

Went to see White Lies the other night. is a fucking great song. Fortunately they played that and the only other two songs I cared about real early so I could get out of that boring ass show. 

Asobi Seksu played too. They were pretty good, but always gotta love it when I see bands that came up at the same time that we played with in shit holes to no one who then went on to become much more successful than I ever did. Morrissey should write a song about that.

Ok, bup bup buhhh...thinking here... 

Random picture of my girl Kreayshawn doing her thing. 

Arctics were ok I guess. I really like them more in theory than I do, like, actively as a person. Or maybe I just respect them more professionally than I do personally. Here's  part of what I said about them in my review in the Globe

It’s a contemplative young man’s prerogative to constantly over-examine his thoughts and actions, and Turner is smart beyond his 25 years. No surprise, then, that his songs play out like a garage rock cover of Hamlet’s monologues. On songs like “This House Is a Circus’’ — all gnarly bass teeth and upstroke guitars — the band offered its second mode, an apocalyptic grime. Much of the band’s recent work has a swarming, pestilent guitar foreboding, and Turner’s unique voice, like the hum of a molested beehive, can be downright threatening. It’s a surprise coming from a mop-topped, tight-trousered young man who writes Brit-pop with looping riffs that build steady tension before opening into startling (but ultimately logical) chorus singalongs. Something spooky always seems to be lurking under the surface.

The Vaccines played too, via Morrissey via the 9tz, via fuzzy guitar crunch and romance crooning. About time bands started sounding like the Smoking Popes again, says me. was pretty annoying at first, but then it wormed into my dome piece like a worm that eats brain meat, or, like, ants that showed up before the seasonal party started, just ravenous and looking for something to stick their ant faces into. Ghost ants on a pirate ship maybe, conjured up by a witch.

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that post officially spooked me out. i want to go see those ghost ships and spend a week or two really getting to know them, on a plank-by-plank basis, but i doubt anyone would want to go w/ me and after the first nightfall i'd probably get really scared and hide in a hotel room filled w/ ghosts and other much more scary creatures.

however you spell kreayshawn, those birds seem to have some decent chunes.

i want to make an actual facebook. heavy volume w/ gold-gilded pages, an ornately carved leather cover, and an old timey locking mechanism.

luke said...

That stuff is a lot more scary when you can crop little kids eating ice cream and shit out of the frame

Anonymous said...

Bridge to nowhere, from nowhere.


I'm pretty sure if you spend a night in one of those ships, you get the deed to the distillery.


Cobblestones are a bitch to walk on in heels. Believe me, I know. From secondhand experience.


I WILL DO IT! What could go wrong?

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