1. Haha, this is a joke right? This isn't a real thing is it. Come on you guys.
2. Jesus Chris this song fucking sucks. "Rockin in the club catch me on a elephant"? This bitch looks like she's line dancing outside the methadone clinic.
3. Alright, I'll just pretend it doesn't exist. If I don't play the song, then it can't hurt me.
4. I guess this is just what music is like now. I don't really care. I'm just used to it by now. It could be worse, it's not like she's gonna repeat that "I feel so elegant" line again. Oh. Oh god, she did it again. This is just bumming me out.
5. You know what? Maybe it isn't so bad after all? I think I'm ready to hear the song again. Hmm... It's kind of chill actually. I'm even starting to like her dance moves now. That synth line is pretty fresh actually, and she's kind of cute. Sure, maybe the flow isn't amazing, but it's got a sort of disheveled meth-dealer's girlfriend charm to it in a way. Let me just listen one more time to make sure. Yeah, I can deal with this. This...this is actually pretty good. I think everything is going to be ok.
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i want my four minutes back
Fuck, this thing is growing on me.
I love Kesha.
I love Lady Gaga.
I want my eight minutes back.
what did you do with the other 4 minutes?
Catchiness aside, how do they decide who gets to be a music star now? How much did she actually have to do with making this a song?
Hey, any of you guys know where I can get that Fred Flintstone jacket?
there isn't a they anymore, is the thing. anyone with a computer and balls gets to be noticed. that's good and bad.
the person who made that jacket should justifiably be famous.
I came to see if you replied...and ended up listening again.
And now you love it. Fuck.
i'd bet "the elephant" was a hot dance move at UK clubs in 2009.
so was meth.
Hey! How's the Spains?
She's the Tony Jaa of whatever genre of music that is, I guess?
Is that some sort of china-man?
Too bad she didnt do the running man right off that roof
I think we all know what they're gonna do.
Anyway, this is my jam now.
This has been on my IPOD for a minute AND AND AND in my car. I bump Kreayshawn; I think I love her.
I am starting to feel that way too.
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