Probably safe to say New York candidate for governor Jimmy McMillan of the Rent Is Too Damn High Party isn't going to be elected to state-wide office anytime soon. But if the highlights from his debate last night are any indication, he's already won at least one election: an election called love. Love, as you probably know, is usually pretty fucking insane. PS: Can I elect this guy to be my grandfather at the very least?
Some highlights:
As a karate expert I will not talk about anyone up here, because our children can't afford to live anywhere, no where. Why? You said it, the rent is too damn high
Hard to argue with sound logic like that.
Rent Too Damn High Party feel if you want to marry a shoe, I'll marry you.
That's what I've been saying all along! If god didn't want people to marry shoes, then why does he make them look at me so slutty like that all the time?
PS Part 2: If Kenan Thompson doesn't ruin everything that's already funny about this guy on SNL this week I will literally fuck a shoe. No, I'm not gonna marry one until people everywhere can marry a shoe. That's called solidarity. I'm sort of sensitive like that.
PS Part 2: If Kenan Thompson doesn't ruin everything that's already funny about this guy on SNL this week I will literally fuck a shoe. No, I'm not gonna marry one until people everywhere can marry a shoe. That's called solidarity. I'm sort of sensitive like that.
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Ha ha, watching SNL is definitely on the list, as is making fun of it, right? It's best left ignored?
Correct on both accounts. "SNL hasn't been funny since Belushi left doooooooood."
I'd vote for this dude.
It's hard to see the difference between a guy like this an what passes for an actual politicians.
There isn't one, really. Besides embracing the insanity.
Knowing the names of current SNL cast members. At that hour you should either be out and about or asleep in bed. Everything's been shit since Roy Orbison died.
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