Gavin McInnes has a new piece up at Taki's Mag, which is a site I only read because my one libertarian friend sends me links to it all the time. He figures since I rip everything else off from him, I might get tricked into going for his political stuff too. It's the same line of motivational thinking that do-gooder high school principles use when they bring in some hip meth addict who used to play drums fulfilling his mandatory parole conditions to talk about staying straight to the kids.
Now, I'm a pretty ridiculous caricature of a liberal myself, but calling bullshit on phonies is something we can all agree is good sport. Gavin does bring up some good points here regarding how embarrassing it is to be a liberal, perhaps the best of which is, jesus christ I can't believe I'm saying this, a decent zinger from Anne Coulter.
Similarly, homosexuals had better run and hide if a Republican ever gets caught hitting on a guy in a bathroom. (As Coulter put it, “He said he was against gay marriage, not gay sex. He didn’t try to marry the guy.”) Lefties who think being outed is a sacred personal choice will run to the highest mountain and scream, “FAG!” when someone on the right gets fruity. Thank God these politicians are not back at Rutgers. Pro-gay, anti-racist, multicultural feminists will happily become homophobic, racist, xenophobic rapists if an oppressed group dares stray from the left’s contrived dogma. read the rest
But if you're looking for further evidence of how painful it can be to associate yourself with the left wing in this country sometimes, these two videos he talks about do far more to send my socialist scrotum shriveling back up into the left wing of my stomach than any written argument ever could.
I give up.
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Oh my fucking god. that song. oh my god.
Too bad about the boycott, huh? Could have really stocked up on some inexpensive razors. Also, this behavior isn't about being a liberal or conservative American. It's about being a white American. Right? The black dude came off okay, just got out of the way so dad could bust a rhyme.
That's racist against americans.
The worst part about this whole embarrassing protest was that Target gave to this politician because he's more business-friendly than the other guy, and had nothing to do with their stance on gay rights. Was it a myopic use of their money? Absolutely. They should have done a better job of realizing the PR SNAFU their in when they give money to a politician who openly and vehemently hates "teh geys." Unfortunately, unemployed theater arts grads don't generally grasp the nuances of politics, and they make me creep ever-so-slightly to the right every time I watch one of these ineffectual and cringe-inducing displays of political ignorance.
My grammar is just awful today, but I'm not deleting and reposting it again.
Right? It's tough because I support their ideas in theory, it's just... do you have to be such a dork about it?
The folks shopping at Target are probably thinking about how nice it was to have some in store live entertainment, the Walmart boycotts are usually so boring.
Instead of boycotting companies who donate money to candidates they don't support, perhaps these thespians should support candidates who would push for legislation that would bar unlimited corporate contributions?
The only thing worse than a thespian is an earnest thespian.
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