The pen, as they used to say, is mightier than the sword. No one ever said shit about a crowbar though, did they? Which, as it turns out, is still pretty good for smashing up heresy real nice. Take it away box quote:
Police in Loveland, Colo., about 50 miles north of Denver, say that not only did Kathleen Folden, a truck driver, have a crowbar, but she drove all the way from Montana to use it on a print that depicts a Jesus-like figure engaging in sex.
Witnesses to the incident Wednesday said Folden bashed at the plexiglass surrounding the print until it shattered, then tore the artwork into pieces before sitting on the floor to wait for police. While attacking the print she allegedly screamed "How can you desecrate my lord?," according to the Fort Collins Coloradoan.
She was allegedly wearing a T-shirt with the slogan "My Savior is Tougher than Nails," according to CBS affiliate KCNC.
The artwork that drew Folden's ire was a 12-panel lithograph that depicted a Christ-like figure involved in a sex act; it also included comic book characters, Mexican pornography, Mayan symbols and ethnic stereotypes. It was part of an 82-print exhibit by 10 artists at the Loveland Museum and Art Gallery. CBS
So basically what we have here is a conflict between an artist who thought he would blow people's minds by turning Jesus into a homo, and a hillbilly truck driver who fell for it. Deciding who to side with is like choosing between getting kicked in the tits and punched in the asshole. Let's just call it even.
Chagoya, a professor at Stanford University, told the station that he was upset to hear that his art had been attacked. He says his work is a critique of corruption in religious institutions, not people's beliefs.
"I don't expect people to agree with me but let's have a civil discussion, you know. I've been getting a lot of hate mail that doesn't have any logical discussion behind it," Chagoya told KCNC.

"Take it away box quote:"
I love it when you stop pretending to be only semi-literate. I mean, I ASSUME you're pretending.
Ha. I'm not really sure.
If you want literate, you can read my "real writing" blog
If you want incomprehensibly retarded, you can read
PTSOTL is the creamy center.
Semi-literacy is a real problem in America's schools.
The penis mightier.
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