Friday, January 14, 2011

Except in this case I'm rooting for the Evil Empire to win

In what is probably the first example of my agreeing with anything the New York Post has ever done, I've got to say this cover from a recent issue is pretty spot on.  (Bonus points for hammering that dreadful punny headline in there). 

See what I meant in that piece about the Patriots being the Evil Empire? Bill Belichick is Darth Vader, no question. And the faceless Pats Stormtroopers are the perfect representation of their style of play.  Rex Ryan as Han Solo though? Well, he does usually get himself into trouble with his wisecracks. And Sanchez is in fact a whiny little bitch like Luke Skywalker. Everything else reads. Well played, New York Post. Well played indeed.

In other sports news: Normally I'd think all these Rex Ryan foot fetish jokes are hacky and lame, but when Wes Fucking Welkah does it? It's just pure grit. Look at him go over the middle with these zingers. He's a machine, barely breaking stride. 

See the video over there, where it's more quiet, and no one will judge you:

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Anonymous said...

Meanwhile, you must have seen this:


That makes me ashamed as both a one time musician, Patriots fan, and person who exists.


is that joe namath as yoda?


haha, yeah, pretty perfect.

Anonymous said...

Man, I wish I could unsee/unhear the Patriots rap song. Think of the Pats winning and how your enjoyment will be slightly marred when you realize “New England, New England, New England Patriutttttz” is rolling through your head.

Dude has an eye for visual composition at least. Check how your eye moves from the front to back: douche to football to sweatshirt to trophy to flat screen.


I had honestly forgotten about it until I just read this comment, and I only posted this like ten minutes ago. Thanks for the reminder.

chellebelle said...

man, i wish i knew literally anything about star wars or the patriots, this joke seems funny. too insidery!



Anonymous said...

That patriots rap song. That patriots rap song. That patriots rap song. That patriots rap song. That patriots rap song. That patriots rap song. That patriots rap song. That patriots rap song. That patriots rap song. That patriots rap song.


holy crap. that video just spun my dome around. i don't know if i love it or hate it or both or neither. going to have to do some serious soul searching.

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