Thursday, January 20, 2011

Literally the stupidest thing I've ever heard

This is literally the stupidest thing I have ever heard, and that's coming from a guy who just spent the morning reviewing the new Decemberists record.  Remember that amazing video from last week of the fleshly embodiment of American culture falling into a fountain at the mall while she was texting? Turns out she's thinking about suing. 

Video of Cathy Cruz Marrero's fall has attracted more than a million and a half views on YouTube and been shared widely on Facebook and Twitter.

But while the world has found her fall funny, Marrero said she finds little humor in the incident because no one from the mall has reached out to her.

"I was actually texting a friend of mine from church," she says, which sort of explains things a little. Watch her talk about her humiliation on ABC News then let's all agree to never talk about this again.

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Anonymous said...

mexican birds innit


She didn't want anyone to know it was her. So she did an interview on ABC news.

Anonymous said...

oof what a dipshit, build a deeper fountain and put a birdsized drain in the bottom


She was texting god! Have you no soul?!?


@ Justin God never returns my texts, so I guess not.

@Anonymous. That's real shit.

Anonymous said...

Broadcast people have to ask stupid questions, but asking the lawyer how the video was leaked is really up there. It would have been sweet to see the lawyer be like, “Did you watch the video?” and then maybe include a workflow infographic about mobile phone video cameras and the internet.

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