Our friends over at Platform cross-posted this. Kindly go patronize them regularly with your eyeballs and brains or both.
I know I posted that interview with the guy behind People Who Said Nigger Today a while back, and I genuinely enjoy the racist-shaming involved like any good schadenfreude-fueled white liberal elitist. Now, apparently, a company called NewSouth Books is playing a new game called People Who Said Nigger 130 Years Ago. Break it to us easy, block quote:
I know I posted that interview with the guy behind People Who Said Nigger Today a while back, and I genuinely enjoy the racist-shaming involved like any good schadenfreude-fueled white liberal elitist. Now, apparently, a company called NewSouth Books is playing a new game called People Who Said Nigger 130 Years Ago. Break it to us easy, block quote:
A new edition of Mark Twain’s The Adventures of Tom Sawyer and Huckleberry Finn, forthcoming from NewSouth Books in mid-February, does more than unite the companion boy books in one volume, as the author had intended. It does more even than restore a passage from the Huckleberry Finn manuscript that first appeared in Twain’s Life on the Mississippi and was subsequently cut from the work upon publication. via
There's more than that? Please, do go on...
In a bold move compassionately advocated by Twain scholar Dr. Alan Gribben and embraced by NewSouth, Mark Twain’s Adventures of Tom Sawyer and Huckleberry Finn also replaces two hurtful epithets that appear hundreds of times in the texts with less offensive words, this intended to counter the “preemptive censorship” that Dr. Gribben observes has caused these important works of literature to fall off curriculum lists nationwide.Bold is one way to describe this. What's another one? Politically correct time-machine paradox inducing horse shit, maybe? Ironic white-washing, perhaps? Because everyone knows that if you portray a racist, then you are one, right? That's a given.
Any guesses on what the second epithet is? (Hint: it's injun.)
And then we were all safe. Glad we can finally put this historic nightmare behind us and get back to work that matters, like not reading books anyway in the first place.
Thanks to anonymous commenter person for the tip.

You taking this shit seriously enough? See how you like it 100 years from now when people are reading the PTSOTL coffee-table book on the microKindle in their contact lenses and it's a rickrolled version with Brady replacing Ice Cream and blow jobs replacing drop ceilings.
You bring up some good points, only I don't know if I understand them.
Your friends at Platform would've been better off cross-posting my awes comment!
They may well have been. We'll never know now.
As long as they replace injun with prairie nigger I'm OK with it.
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