images via Hyperbole and a Half |
The people in my head I talk to sometimes are always asking me questions. "Luke," they say. "What's the worst idea for a business you've seen lately?" they say. "Be quiet," I tell them, trying to dull their infernal ghostly chatter with bourbon and internet porn.
Then when I wake up from another ill-advised pants off bender I say, "Ok. I'll tell you the worst idea for a business I've seen lately. It's called See Me Become Famous." Then I try to show them the website, but brain ghosts don't really understand the internet, so they get bored pretty easily and are like "We gotta go dude." Fucking brain ghosts.
I can show you guys though. Here it is! "Do you want to be famous? Do you think you look or sound famous? Have you been told that you could be famous? What’s stopping you from being famous?"
All good questions.
SeeMeBecomeFamous.com is your stage, your platform, and your stadium where you can turn dreams into reality. Communicate with people in your industry; make friends, connections, or even partnerships. Take your talents to a new level and be seen by the top agents, scouts, agencies, schools, employers, studios and producers from all over the world.
Find yourself asking these questions... Do I Look Famous? Could you see me on TV or on an album cover? What are you waiting for? The time is now, stars are being born every day, is it time for your star to shine?
Join one of the most exciting communities on the web; showcase your talents, your look, and your moxie!
Don’t know if you have the right stuff? Take this easy quiz and find out!
I took the quiz just now, because, well, who doesn't want to be famous? Some of the questions were a little hard to answer though, or else brought up an entirely different set of questions. Like these ones....
Do you get compliments often?
Every time what? I do literally anything at all? What sort of fame-starved gullible internet cretin do they think I am.
Do you think you are attractive?
This one just kind of bummed me out. Each answer here is sadder than the next.
Have you received any awards?
All of the times I have received rewards. What the... Who wrote these questions? I'll tell you who didn't, a famous grammarian. Or a person famous for speaking English.
I scored 40%, or "4 out of 10 correct." So apparently there were correct answers here? Some of them are pretty easy to figure out I suppose, like this one:
Do you like being in the spotlight?
Clearly they intend you to choose the first one, because in order to be famous you've got to be able to thrive when it's go time. Everyone knows that. But take a closer look at that last one there for a second. Isn't that really how you feel about this whole thing? And by this whole thing I mean life in general and everyone you've ever met.

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