Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Murder gets you so stoned, bro

I take back what I said about whatever that other thing was that I thought was the single stupidest thing I've seen all year. I can't really think no good up now on account of I just burned one. Hey look, Bill Cosby is on the Letterman show now. Talking about stuff. Zippity doo....

It's like water. Man.

Oh right. Here's the new single stupidest thing I've seen all year: It comes from former Bush speechwriter and smug cunt (not the good kind) David Frum's blog post called "Did Pot Trigger Giffords Shooting?" The question mark there is so pathetically unnecessary it's almost kind of cute.  I wonder what his conclusion is going to beeeee?

After horrific shootings, we hear calls for stricter regulation of guns. The Tucson shooting should remind us why we regulate marijuana.

Jared Lee Loughner, the man held as the Tucson shooter, has been described by those who know as a “pot smoking loner.”

Oh. Well then. Pot did it. Case closed. Incidentally, that link included as evidence doesn't say anything about smoking pot if you follow it. Maybe it's just a linking error on his part. 

The rest of the article says some other stuff. I forget. The jist is this: this shooter might have been schizophrenic, he may have been smoking pot,  and there's a little bit more evidence but still not a lot about schizophrenia being connected to pot use. No matter, Frum says, let's go with it anyway. "But is correlation causation?" he asks. You're never going to believe the answer.  "Increasingly experts seem to be saying: 'Yes.'"

So, some  degree of qualitative change in the number of unnamed vague professional somethings seem to be saying something?

That sounds like jumping to conclusions. [fart noise]

Hey let's play a quick game. Have you ever seen Frum before?  Imagine what he looks like. Find out in a second....


Wrap up the rest of your shitty blog post, not to mention mine, nice and tight  for us Frummy Worm (That's what I call him). 

After the Tucson shooting, there may be renewed pressure to control the weapons that committed the crime. But what about the drugs that may have aggravated the killer’s mental disease? The trend these days seems toward a more casual attitude and easier access to those drugs. Among the things we should be discussing in the aftermath of this horror is the accumulating evidence of those drugs’ potential contribution to making some dangerous people even more dangerous than they might otherwise have been.

Something to think about as this blame-it-on-drugs meme that's about to catch on comes from those dirty beard farmers at NORMLYou'd be better off getting caught with a gun on you in AZ than you would a joint.

The part that really disturbs me is that just last year, Arizona Gov. Brewer signed a law that allows adults 21 and older to carry a concealed weapon without a permit, joining Alaska and Vermont as the only states where any citizen can be legally packing heat in public at a political rally without any sort of registration or training to do so.  Had Loughner been approached by a police officer and that pistol was found in his pocket, legally there would have been nothing the police could have done.

But if Loughner had a joint in his pocket, police could have arrested him and he may have faced six-to-eighteen months in jail.  If Loughner had been pulled over driving to the rally and a piss test revealed he had smoked a joint last week, he’d be placed into mandatory 24-hour custody and faced six months in jail.
You know what else gets you fucked up real good? The feeling that you could murder every motherfucker in the room with the death machine concealed on your person. That's a powerful drug right there.

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I admire you. I am unable to voice my opinion in any coherent way on matters like this because I would quickly spiral into insanity if I spent too much time letting myself realize that shit like this really happens. I am also unable to voice my opinion in any coherent way because I'm on pot and filled with dreams of murder-rape, natch.


It aint easy. Also, I am 33 years old and I still don't know how to roll a joint to save my life.


I had a good 'round and 'round last night with a patriotic person on the facething. Apparently I'm wrong - guns do not equal violence. At all. Glad we cleared that up.


Well, as we know, talking about politics is pretty pointless. Better to write about it on a blog, that way you don't have to think fast.

Anonymous said...

Can you honestly believe that today, in 2011 -- the goddamned future -- people are still talking shit about marijuana? As if the jury is still out on it.

Anonymous said...

Aren't most pot heads sitting around, talking about things and stuff, playing video games, and talking about stuff? Wouldn't some pizza be great? Yeah, like, i saw this guy one time, and he was like, yeah. Were we talking about pizza? This is totally my favorite song ever.


What's better than smoking pizza while watching the Olsen Twins PIZZA video? Not much.

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