Turns out that all those years my vet grandfather was rambling about how "Chinamen are the devil" he wasn't just having flashbacks. Maybe he simply bumped into this guy during the war?*
"Huang Yuanfan, 84, said the odd growth started two years ago as a small bump but just grew and grew," Metro UK writes.
The continue, in what isn't a dick move at all, to write: "The old goat said: ‘I tried picking at it and even filing it but nothing changed it. The horn just kept getting bigger.’ [Goats have horns, jsykfyi.]
Woops, he's not the only horny old bastard these days either if you catch me. How about this other lady with a fucking horn on her head...
This 101 year old woman, also from China, has two horns growing out of her fucking head.
"These types of horns are typically cutaneous horns, which are composed of the same substance found in our fingernails, called keratin. While bizarre, they are usually harmless," writes AOL News.
That may be true, but what isn't harmless is that fact that I have now seen these Satyrs with my eyes. Where's the cure for that?
PS: anyone checked in on our old buddy Tree Hands lately? Haven't seen anything on him in a while.
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i'm horny,
jeesh that was corny
Oh brother.
Btw the * was supposed to point toward an explanation that my grandfather never fought in the war. Actually maybe he did. Shit. What was am I even talking about?
Whar war am I ... ^ [spazzes out]
I'm feeling a tad cutaneous myself.
I feel like I've got a rhino horn poking me in my olfactory bulb right now.
Flowing rivers of skin bark falling off your hands.
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