Freezepop have a new record out. I saw their show on Saturday and wrote about it even though I was basically a pile of person-shaped-poo from New Year's Eve that looked like this:
I love New Year's Eve. Forget everything I said last week about it. Total blast.
Plenty of like-minded robot Pinocchios forget the breathing part of the equation when unspooling their miles of laptop and keyboard wires onstage. Not so Freezepop, whose members traded off instruments, keytars, drum kit synth pads, guitar, and keyboards in a dizzying, high-energy set of tracks from throughout the quartet’s career...Read more
What else? This Jamie Foxx record exists, which I also wrote about in the Globe today.
It’s just not a party track these days unless you’re calling out top-shelf alcohol by name in three-part harmony. So it goes as Jamie Foxx, actor, romantic crooner, and apparent tequila enthusiast, kicks off his latest full-length. The success of a record like this is pretty easy to track on a utilitarian level: After listening you either want to party with the dude or you don’t. The answer here? OK, sure. But you’re buying the first round...Read more.
That's weird. I also talked about for Ask Men:
There's a hierarchy of crappiness to those last-minute gifts you're likely to get this year. Socks, toiletries and Cosby-style Christmas sweaters are all at the bottom of the list, as is a donation in your name to, say, the Human Fund. But booze -- now, that's always a welcome afterthought.
Port wines, for some reason, tend to be a typical booze-gift around the holidays, even if no one really knows what to do with them. To most guys, drinking port seems like an old-man affectation or something your girlfriend does with chocolate desserts.... R
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Re: Jamie Foxx, not quite like the episode where Louis CK parties with the brothers, but...
I don't get it, but I'm sure I wouldn't like it if I did.
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