Thursday, January 6, 2011

Good night, you princes of Maine

Well, my brain just shit its brain pants after watching this video of a house with a mouth and eyes and the voice of dead children via our friends over at Dig Boston.  Check it out,  and go read their blog daily, but fair warning, as they say over there "Can't sleep, house will eat me." Fuuuuck.

Anyone who's spent any significant time in Maine, where this was shot apparently, knows that this is only like the fourth scariest thing you might come across  up there on an average day. But for the rest of us who don't live in the state where Stephen King stories are drawn from town meeting minutes and the population is made up of beard-powered lobsterman/heroin-smugglers and water color-dabbling yard sale aficionados, this is a for real trip. 

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wait a tick, you're telling me downtown chinabrown is allowed in maine, but chalk is outlawed?

i hate that house, btw. it is sure to haunt my dreams.

luke at the bar said...

Has to come from somewhere dunnit.

Anonymous said...

And that's no good sleep for me this week then. Cheers.

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