OK, first of all: hating things. Second of all: no you don't.
I think what you're doing here is replacing the part for the whole. It's a common practice poets (Poets.) call metaphor and perverts who can't jerk off without sniffing vinegary sock pubes call a fetish (Fetishes.).
You don't hate hipsters, what you hate are assholes. You don't hate someone because of their haircut, you hate them because of the smug, shit eating grin floating underneath it. Or because you don't like the way that they hate things different than you hate things. You know, tangible, important shit.
Now, there may be a case to be made about the correlation between the number of ridiculous retro fluorescent pieces of flare some douche accessorizes his beard and DJ bag (is that a thing?) with, but cracking on a dude because his costume is comprised of slightly different configurations of patterned cloth than your own personal costume isn't really the type of high degree of difficulty banality smashing we're looking for here. What, do you hate reality tv and neo-cons too? Bush league, amateur shit.
Although come to think of it, those kids in the ubiquitous terrorist scarves chap my ass up pretty good. They can all die in an avalanche of fire.
I think what you're doing here is replacing the part for the whole. It's a common practice poets (Poets.) call metaphor and perverts who can't jerk off without sniffing vinegary sock pubes call a fetish (Fetishes.).
You don't hate hipsters, what you hate are assholes. You don't hate someone because of their haircut, you hate them because of the smug, shit eating grin floating underneath it. Or because you don't like the way that they hate things different than you hate things. You know, tangible, important shit.
Now, there may be a case to be made about the correlation between the number of ridiculous retro fluorescent pieces of flare some douche accessorizes his beard and DJ bag (is that a thing?) with, but cracking on a dude because his costume is comprised of slightly different configurations of patterned cloth than your own personal costume isn't really the type of high degree of difficulty banality smashing we're looking for here. What, do you hate reality tv and neo-cons too? Bush league, amateur shit.
Although come to think of it, those kids in the ubiquitous terrorist scarves chap my ass up pretty good. They can all die in an avalanche of fire.
brought to you by
Donnie, you're out of your element.
my cycle.
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