I like cats as much as the next guy, unless the next guy, like most guys, doesn't like cats, in which case I like cats a little more than the next guy. But I've got a problem with those young couples, often just married, who treat their cats (they usually have two) like they are their children. Do they really not get what's going on here?
Wait, let me interrupt you - are you about to tell me a story about the personality quirks of your cats? Listen, I'm not interested in people's stories about their actual kids, I sure as shit don't want to hear about your kid-surrogates. This practice-run shit is least fair to the cats. They start out living like kings with their own bedrooms and toothbrushes, and, when the couple has actual children, inevitably end up thus:
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Date: 2009-06-01, 9:31PM EDT
Please come and take these asshole cats out of our house. No questions asked. They'll be dead soon anyway.
Wait, let me interrupt you - are you about to tell me a story about the personality quirks of your cats? Listen, I'm not interested in people's stories about their actual kids, I sure as shit don't want to hear about your kid-surrogates. This practice-run shit is least fair to the cats. They start out living like kings with their own bedrooms and toothbrushes, and, when the couple has actual children, inevitably end up thus:
Reply to: [Errors when replying to ads?]
Date: 2009-06-01, 9:31PM EDT
Please come and take these asshole cats out of our house. No questions asked. They'll be dead soon anyway.
brought to you by
neil jung. can't believe that made me laugh.
me too. low standards these days.
Wocka, wocka.
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