Great, ruin my bistro experience by sprinkling something that smells like vomit and rotten garbage on my salad. As if truffle oil wasn't bad enough, now they take this birdshit spread and smear it all over my wrap, so even lunch is no longer sacred. The best thing are the looks you get from confused waitstaff mimes when you ask them to hold the goat crap..."Zis man he does not like zee chevre." I'm certain my food gets some extra floor time back in the kitchen, if you know what I mean. Kitchen floor tastes better than goat cheese anyway, so call it even.
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hey, did you get that email from luke?
definitely there with you on this
were you listening to the dude's story?
goat cheese is nasty no doubt.
going to have to go ahead and disagree. cheese of any kind cannot be on the list people.
we probably have enough food items covered for a while.
-jake zavracky zipping up at a buffet
hey why do i feel like i read this same thing like 2 years ago or more... hmmmm....
I don't know, why do you feel that way?
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