Full disclosure, my old lady has a tat on the lower back - simple design, none of that tribal shit - and I gotta say I dig it hard. It might be because it's pretty out of character for her, but she was young and needed the money. Myself, I live each day with the cold memory of accompanying two roommates to the parlor where they got, respectively, a Steal-Your-Face and a Big-Ass Eagle inked right on the front of their poor, pasty thighs. There but for the grace of god...
Just as all Canadians aren't necrophiliacs (only most of them), all tramp stamps are not the same. While many are big and weird, others are small and cool-looking (also like Canadians). If you don't buy this argument, let me ask you this: If not for the tramp stamp, how else would we denote our tramps and subject them to scorn and ridicule?
You know who else had a tramp stamp? Mary, Jesus' mom. She was a pretty hot piece. Also, Hester Prynne.
Just as all Canadians aren't necrophiliacs (only most of them), all tramp stamps are not the same. While many are big and weird, others are small and cool-looking (also like Canadians). If you don't buy this argument, let me ask you this: If not for the tramp stamp, how else would we denote our tramps and subject them to scorn and ridicule?
You know who else had a tramp stamp? Mary, Jesus' mom. She was a pretty hot piece. Also, Hester Prynne.

i have never really had a problem with these.
only the bad ones
probably comes an age when it's best not to show it off.
I swear though, if anyone makes a "cougar" joke on here I'm shutting rolling up my list and going home.
bout time old Dimmesdale got took down a notch or two.
The term "hating on." Also, hating on that term.
good call on both.
hating things in general.
Someone do Australia, I tried and gave up
Australia: the more you know about us the less you care
How did getting a tramp stamp make her money? I basically have one and it cost me money. What did I do wrong?
what do you mean by basically?
I've seen it. It's a few inches above where the normal "tramp stamp" would be located. Yeah, wait. Did a friend pay her to get the tat?
i think it was just more of a figure of speech.
explaining that
figures of speech.
no way on Prynne. zero evidence.
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