Did you have a mother or were you raised by chimpanzees? Do you really need to jerk off so badly that you can't wait to do it in private? It's a library for fuck's sake. What are you trying to prove? Do you have some kind of health problem? You would think you wouldn't need to tell people this, but trust me, as a librarian, there is no end to the amazing shit I see every day.
I am baffled.
I am baffled.
And when I give you my shaming “please stop masturbating here face” – oof, the fact that I have one of those. – to illustrate my disappointment in your public indiscretion, please at least have the decency to not argue with me.
Also, shitting on the floor of the library probably not a good idea either.
brought to you by
same time tomorrow then?
maybe some people like having you acknowledge the existence of their boner?
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