Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Solving a Captcha

Look, I don't mind a little extra security in these dangerous times, what with identity-theft booming and ex-girlfriend-email-break-ins rampant, but, Jesus, I have to solve a puzzle now to prove I'm me? The SFPD had an easier time solving the Zodiac killer's ciphers than I do trying to make out whether that's an "h" or an "n". Wait, maybe if I put my nose right up to the screen. Ok, now squint really hard. Is "wbasha" a word? Is it supposed to be a word? Can the answer just be random letters? It looks like there's a space, is it, like, two words? Should I enter the space? Alright, I think I've got it, and >ENTER<. FUCK, that's not it. Fuck my ass. If it's going to be this goddam hard, I would prefer some kind of lengthy mathematical equation. At least I'd know there's a definite answer. How about one of those "magic eye" pictures? Oh, it's an elephant, I see it! Can I check my fucking email now, please?

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ZOL! Fuck these things. Does everyone have to do them to comment on here? I forget what I set it as.

FFS said...

I believe I have posted on here about seven times that I need to do one of those things no less than twice every time I post here. YOU NEVER LISTEN TO ME LUKE.

FFS said...

"schlipe" and "glecal"


try it now.

ok said...


cool said...

now how about getting some funny posts up in this piece


is there a setting i can change on the blogger dashboard to make those happen? can't find it.


knowing those things are called "capthchas" is on the list.

so is knowing things.

and things in general.

Anonymous said...

ha, that picture


took me 6 tries on facebook to get to this one

oracle 6-foot-2-inch

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