Why do you know this pointless trivia? Even worse, why would you talk about it? No one does this for any other type of product.
"You know, I was thinking about purchasing a roll of Charmin toilet paper to wipe my ass with, but I read they only did like $9.1m in sales this week, much less than they were expecting. And after all the marketing and ad buys Proctor and Gamble did this quarter! Then again this is traditionally a bad three day holiday weekend for taking shits across the country, so that might explain the numbers. I might just go ahead and wait to see what the overseas receipts look like before I decide."
What is your job title again? Executive Producer? No. No it is not. You're not even a best boy grip. (Is that a thing?) You're a dude who watched a few episodes of Entourage (and this is almost sort of redundant) who has nothing else to talk about.
"You know, I was thinking about purchasing a roll of Charmin toilet paper to wipe my ass with, but I read they only did like $9.1m in sales this week, much less than they were expecting. And after all the marketing and ad buys Proctor and Gamble did this quarter! Then again this is traditionally a bad three day holiday weekend for taking shits across the country, so that might explain the numbers. I might just go ahead and wait to see what the overseas receipts look like before I decide."
What is your job title again? Executive Producer? No. No it is not. You're not even a best boy grip. (Is that a thing?) You're a dude who watched a few episodes of Entourage (and this is almost sort of redundant) who has nothing else to talk about.

Actually, some of us genuinely find box office statistics really fascinating. It's a great way to keep tabs on what the world is currently interested in when it comes to entertainment-- and entertainment media is a hell of a lot more interesting than toilet paper. Not a very good analogy. Humorous, but I hope you're not trying to make a serious point here... Sure, they're both products, but one is indicative of where the cultural zeitgeist is at, and the other is for wiping your ass.
I suspect your problem with following the box office is that the ONLY people you've known to do it are douchebaggy Entourage wannabe types. Not everyone who does follow box office is out to prove something.
Did you happen to go to Emerson by any chance?
Perhaps if you work in the entertainment industry you might possibly be interested in box office sales, but in the real world (good old fashion u.s. of a. albeit northeastern intellectual urban areas of it anyway) we find this stuff below us and uninteresting.
Nice.. Very open sort of attitude you've got there, not elitist at all, and certainly not blindly presumptuous of the world outside of your apparently highly cultured box.
Look, friend, there is no complaining about something on the list just because you do it. If that were the case none of us would ever be able to show up here. Half these douches are probably wearing shorts on the beach and eating ice cream outside a dive bar right now.
If that doesn't work, go stare into the eyes of the wolf for a few minutes. He'll sort you out.
note to self, start practicing sarcasm on the internet in order to be wittier and even more elitist.
might hang up a miles davis poster in this culture box today
I wouldn't mind getting a piece of cultural box, if you know what I mean.
Was your post meant to be sarcastic? Sarcasm doesn't travel well over the internet unless it's relatively blatant.
Attack of the Obtusicons.
Emerson is offering Relativity of Blatancy and its Effects on the Cultural Zeitgeist this summer I think.
how about my boy in the picure though? just out there doin his thing.
Call me obtuse, but do realize that sarcasm travels a whole hell of a lot better when one can read facial expressions and inflection. You may be used to sarcasm in this internet community since it's the norm here-- it's what you readily expect of any given post, and I now know to expect it myself-- but in and of itself and not being familiar with the context, a post like that hardly reads as sarcastic.
Emperor Porkchop, you sure have schooled me on my correct usage of the English language.
Gotta say though, I would love to talk box office with the silver-mustachioed man in the pic..
growing as an individual, becoming the person you are going to be
look at that guy. doesn't really want to be there but he's giving it his all. i appreciate that.
Maybe an idea for you would be to start your own unsarcastic, non-elitist blog that every single person in America likes and agrees with.
Nah, truth is I just enjoy arguing on the internet.
You know what they say about arguing on the internet...
The blog post is obviously sarcastic, I was referring to misery loves company's post.
lots of discussion here. (NOT SARCASM)
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