Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Baby Talk

Babies don't actually talk like their lips are frozen with collagen and their vocal cords are strung too tightly, so the misnomer is kind of insulting to babykind. On the other hand, the term "baby talk" works, because only someone with a three-week old brain would find the practice endearing.

Nothing provokes the bloodthirsty killer instinct in me more than baby talk, especially between couples. "Woowoo" isn't a word, and unless your girlfriend was actually christened "Jennywenny," it's disrespectful to call her that. Besides, you're like seven feet tall, dude … don't talk like an infant. (No disrespect, infants.)

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infants have the common decency to save that shit for when they get home. oof. talking like that in public.

dcmp said...

c'mon though, wook at that widdle guy up there


baby calling bullshit on his mom, babies, this whole thing. dude should be raised by the List Wolf.


don't wook at that baby the wrong way. he's angry. he'll tear your face off.


her remember this one? this one was good.

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