Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Rolling Into Somewhere and Not Attempting to Speak the Language

I'm no friggin professor, kid, but I know the most basics of the Romance languages: "hello," "goodbye," "how much for the white baby?" "thank you," etc. I can pretty much get by in any place that speaks French, Italian or Spanish just with those 3 or 4 phrases. In fact, almost anyone can look those up, using this machine called the internet.

When I recently found myself in Mexico I noticed that almost none of my fellow citizens even attempted the very basics of this exotic language that we hear literally everyday right here at home. Actually, that's not entirely true there was that group of biker skanks who did yell "Excuse me senorita!" at the restaurant when they wanted margaritas, so points for that.

Anyway, just a reminder for my fellow travelers, your rental car doesn't come with a Speak English or Get Out bumper sticker so you're pretty much stuck trying to tough it out with the most basic of attempts. Also, no need to spice it up with the cruise wear while you're on vacation. Would you wear that shirt if you were farting around Ohio like usual? Pretty good rule of thumb there. Just a tip from one traveler to another. Now repeat after me "Estoy en la lista."

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Spanish was my minor and I still feel like a moron speaking it to Spaniards. I always wonder if they're thinking "Quien es this, trying to speak mi idioma so horriblemente."


You sound like a moron there to me too, so at least you're consistent. This reminds of something. Meet me out front everyone.

Mustard said...

man, that photo is so fucking great. hoof. i want to tape it all over jay severin's house.


I thought those guys were good old fashioned American douches before I clicked to enlarge.

Anonymous said...

Must work both ways then, right? They live here they gotta attempt to learn the language and not back up the line pointing and gesturing when I'm trying to get a cup of Joe.


Well, I'm with you on the holding up the line at Dunkies part anyway.

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