Everyone's probably heard about the recent skydiving porn tape, right? That's assuming, of course, that the readership here is made up of as many perverts and internet addicts as my demographic experts tell me. PICS OR IT DIDN'T HAPPEN! I said when I read about it a few days ago. Then I saw the pics, and now I still don't think it happened. Look at this amateur hour shit. Never thought I'd say this, but fucking at 100 miles an hour while you hurtle to your doom looks kind of boring. It does, however, remind me of what it's like to have sex with me, in that everything sort of hits an abrupt end out of nowhere way too soon, and a guy from the FAA usually comes snooping around with a clipboard afterward.
Live Leak has the details, and the vid. "A French-Canadian porn star took his career to new heights" -- heh, new heights -- "when he videotaped himself having sex while skydiving with the receptionist of the skydiving company where he moonlighted as a part-time instructor. Alex Torres aka 'Voodoo'" -- who I do not recognize in anyway I want to make clear -- "has since been fired from Skydive Taft, but no termination decision has been made about his fellow Mile High Club member Hope Howell." Skydive Taft, by the way, sounds like it would have made for an awesome campaign slogan for William Jennings Bryan.
Here's Howell, pictured below, if the first few results of a hasty Google image search are any indication.
Here's Howell, pictured below, if the first few results of a hasty Google image search are any indication.
OK, hrm, that doesn't seem right.
Jesus Christ. Who tags these things?
Alright, now you're just fucking with me Google.
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that bee beard guy is sexy.
please chime in. i said some shit about boston and i want to hear what you think.
Word, will read it in a bit.
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