Friday, October 7, 2011

Related search terms: "Teenage Girls" + "Virginity" + "Bleeding Knees"

This new buzz video from Australian buzz band Bleeding Knees Club, called "Teenage Girls", from their forthcoming EP "Virginity", (which shouldn't present any sort of weird search term-related issues for anyone trying to look up the band I'd expect), just arrived in my inbox. As a music writer, it's my job to copy and paste everything that publicists send to me that seems like it might be potentially buzzworthy, just in case... Well just in case what exactly I'm not sure, but it's better to act before thinking is what I always say. So here you go.

I think this comment on the You Tube link sums it up pretty accurately. "i like the part of the clip with the girls in it." 

Myself, I like the part where it condenses every conceivable trope of contemporary Tumblr photo blog culture into two minutes of sunny garage pop. Sounds like Dom if they weren't cracked out. Or Wavves if they weren't cracked out. Maybe these guys should consider smoking more crack? 

Also reminds me a little of if they weren't dead. Remember them? Oh man, things were good when we were younger, man. 

Before you start hating on this for being on some hipster pussy bullshit, which, ok, it is, consider this: you're fucking old you creep. 

Watch the video below.

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Anonymous said...

YouTube guy has a point.

Anonymous said...

Hipster buullshiit.


I think I will probably listen to this again. That's not always a given.


Video came out on my birthday. YAY for youth! Damn this was great!


It's been a long time since you were a teenage girl, my friend.


U can get more girls pics

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