OG PTSOTL contributor Emperor Porkchop lives in New Hampshire. That means he sees some fucked up shit daily, like homeboy wot killed Kurt Cobain from the other day.
Yesterday this one guy chased this other guy around my yard while I was putting some bricks down in my patio. The battle went on for like an hour. Pretty much blew my whole day watching this.
So like 50 minutes in the snake is up to the frog's ass, but only has one leg. I can see it's trying to reach its jaw over to the opposite leg, but it's not working. The snake starts spitting the one leg back out, then there's a struggle (the frog has been dragging itself away like every two-three minutes with the snake attached this whole time). Struggle struggle.
The snake then somehow gets all of one leg and a little of the other in its mouth. By then it's pretty much over.
It still took like 30 more minutes to get to the point where only the little frog head and arms were sticking out. At that point the snake started paying attention to me again, sliding away all weird with a second face and some arms sticking out. Looked like a cobra a little.
Finally it chilled out and got it completely down and this relatively big frog was much smaller lump halfway down the snake's body. Snakes rule.
Anyway, I got hired to do tech work when there literally weren't enough people to fill the jobs who actually knew what they were doing. "Young people", even if they are from upper middle class/borderline rich families, and can currently afford nice tents and iPods, like the "rich kids" protesting down at Occupy Boston, aren't set up with anywhere near the advantages that people my age were. And while they are literally and obviously dumber than we are/were/(The Rat was awesome!), they aren't too dumb to see that they aren't going to have it good when they "grow up."
The circle of life.

Elton John and Bernie Tappin should pen the soundtrack to this post.
Miss U already frog :/
Sometime ago when I lived in a farm in Texas I took very similar photos, instance a frog it was a rat !
keep up with your great work !
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