Thursday, September 9, 2010

Consuming an Alcoholic Beverage Any Time After 1a.m. as a 33 Year Old Man

That politics shit down there was starting to bum me out. This is pretty much a reliably evergreen message. You know, for the kids. The kids over 30.

I was raised Catholic, which means aside from being a red faced townie who buys scratch tickets and fist fights his cousins I was instilled with all sorts of fairy tales about guilt as a child. The one about Jesus watching you every time you touch yourself comes to mind. I always knew that one was bullshit though, because if you think about it that's like saying Jesus is into dudes, and if that's true, then why did he say all that stuff against gay marriage in the bible? But there is some truly devious shit you can do to bring shame upon yourself and all of your ancestors. For example: drinking all night and into the next morning, then calling in sick to work the next day because you are still drunk. Not saying I did this this past weekend, but a friend of mine did. So on behalf of him, I'd like to apologize to my grandparents and Abraham Lincoln and Darth Vader and everyone else up in heaven looking down on me. There's really no excuse for that sort of thing. From now on I promise to live up to the example my family set for me and start drinking early enough in the day that I pass out by midnight.

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Anonymous said...

quit being a pussy, let's do some shots!!!

Anonymous said...



Fuck it, I'm in.

Joz when he worked at Blanchards said...

Guy huddled over a toilet, puking: "I'm never drinking again!"

Same guy, next Friday: "10 shots of Jäger, please."

The end.

luke's buddy. you wouldn't know him. said...

I still feel gross a week later.

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