Friday, September 3, 2010

Throwing Puppies Into a River

Hooo boy. So my first reaction to this whole thing, after wondering where I could get a hoodie like that, because it's kind of cute, for reals, is that I was going to write something about how much everyone overreacts about animals dying and how biology is brutal and the circle of life and all that shit. But that was before I actually watched this macabre mess and got literally sick to my stomach. (That's the same thing my friends said the first time they saw my old emo band, by the way.) But I couldn't do it. It looks like your pal's gotten a little soft in his old age over here. (Also, coincidentally, something my girlfriend says a lot lately.)  

So, I dunno, go watch this if you haven't yet. I suppose this is how they do things on rural farms, and have done for thousands of years, but they also used to fuck goats in the ass too so... The difference is no one was there with a video camera broadcasting how much glee people get out of fucking animals, both literally and figuratively. Although I could probably find a website that contradicts that last bit pretty easily now that I think of it. 

That hoodie is still pretty cute though. 


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Zoe said...

I can't watch that. Did they arrest her?


pretty sure puppies can swim. plus, if we're going to get all weepy about events that have taken place in bosnia, lil red riding hood over here has a while til we get to her.

Anonymous said...


Guy behind Joz in line at 7/11 said...

Tell us more about this "emo band" of yours.

loz said...

Ha, the joke worked better that way, don't worry about it.


Wasn't the band called Macabre Mess?

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