Friday, January 4, 2013

Referring to womens' hair color like it denotes a species

I had always sort of assumed that this was kind of an outmoded practice, this being the year 2013 and all, but somehow, against all odds, this is still something you see all over the place because, hahaha, we all still fucking hate women so, so much don't we? "I'm totally into brunettes." "Redheads, man, am I right?" 

Oh really? Is that an actual type of person? One with a certain hue of the rainbow floating on top of their skull? Sounds like solid science to me. Are you super into chicks with magenta eyes and burnt sienna earlobes too? 

You see this type of thing most frequently on the shittiest lotion-fisted bro internets in posts like Redheads continue to be my favorite addiction (38 Photos). What the fuck is this follicular-bigot shit? You know you sound like a serial killer whose mom didn't buy him the full 64 color box of crayons as a kid right? Women are not action figures or special edition magazine covers where you need to collect one of each kind to complete the set.  And while we're here, let's just send out a general reminder that you are never, ever, to refer to a race or culture of people that you either are or are not attracted to unless you want to be called out for what you really sound like: a racist, sexist neckbeard whose most frequent experience interacting with different types of people in the world comes from clicking on the various genre tags a the bottom of porn videos.

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Anonymous said...

Ugh, the alpha dudebro take on women-by-hair-color thing is an easy target, but is just one entry in the stale depressing hair color stereotype catalogue. Staying in the red field, let’s not forget all the weak sallies tossed at “gingers” in general, which is the bacon jokes of hair color stereotype jokes. And we still have people making blonde jokes after all these years, which is the What’s the Deal With Airplane Food? jokes of hair stereotype jokes. Also, it’s not just a dude behavior but more of a shitty person behavior, as many vapid idiot women will typify or identify by hair color along with their knuckle-dragging male counterparts.

Anonymous said...



I just googled bacon jokes. There's loads of them - is this some thing I've somehow missed out on? How long has bacon been a joke sub culture?


All good points, anonymous. Too lazy to reply better.

Anonymous said...

Is your issue with the whole obsession over hair colour (re: the link you posted - "My addiction") and different types of hair, or is it that people like certain types of hair colour. Because, fuck, I thought that was normal. People find attractive what they find attractive.

Never thought something like that would be sexist or would make someone a 'neckbeard' (man I hear that term a lot now..)


Nah man, obviously everyone likes what they like, just don't make a thing about it like it's anything other than a personal preference, and also don't talk about your personal sexual attraction preference because that's weird.

Anonymous said...

Aw man, I can't go around talking about my private sexual preferences and fetishes to strangers? Shoot!

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