Thursday, January 3, 2013

Link Dump: Jay-Z and Gwyneth, Girls' Generation, Skrillex Gets Real + Being Fat Forever

6 Things Less Cool Than Gwyneth Paltrow Dancing at a Jay-Z Show
Hey everyone, famous middle-aged actress Gwyneth Paltrow danced on stage while her husband, famous middle-aged  singer Christ Martin performed with other famous middle-aged singer Jay-Z at their concert on New Year’s Eve the other night. It was so embarrassing and a , (such as it is). Not even her kids thought she was cool enough to dance with! LOL. Just like a mom.

Not very cool, I think we can all agree on this opinion. Although, if you think about it, the only thing less cool than Gwyneth Paltrow dancing at a Jay-Z show might be expecting a Jay-Z concert to be a place where something cool might happen in the first place. Read the rest.

Skrillex Finally Makes a ‘Real’ Dubstep Track with ‘Leaving’

DJ nerds complained for so long that Skrillex's version of dubstep didn't sound enough like the 'real' thing that he just said fuck it and made a Burial track. Read the rest

Science: Being Kind of Fat Makes You Live Longer

Good news fatties, because science just ordered another plate of chicken wings for the table. A new study published yesterday in the Journal of the American Medical Association analyzed data from 97 studies on 3 million people in countries throughout the world, and found that being overweight, even slightly obese, made the subjects live longer than their more fuckable counterparts. In so many words, anyway. Keep in mind I’m not a doctor, or even really a reputable source of medical information, so it’s important to take these things with a grain of salt, particularly coming in the form of a big bag of Cheezits, because those things are magic live forever fuel it turns out. Read the rest.

The Top One Songs of 2013

I’ve taken a sober and reflective listen to all of the music I liked from over the course of 2013 and narrowed down the top song of the year to this track “I Got A Boy” from South Korean K-poppers Girls’ Generation. Granted, it’s the only song I could find that came out so far this year, but I’m comfortable just phoning this one in and taking the rest of the year off. Read the rest.

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