Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Music is Over

It's no secret that I have some shitty taste in bands. I'm basically a 14 year old girl with shoulder hair when it comes to music. If they've got one dude crying at the top of his lungs about the fire inside his heart, and another dude putting on his big boy voice and screaming about December's frozen heart ache, then I'm on board. I'm sorry, that's just how it is. Real life isn't pretty some times. I didn't choose to be this way, I'm simply a product of my environment. My whiny, solipsistic, ego-maniacal, misogynistic, myopic, girl-jeans-wearing environment.

But. Dude. Sometimes in life you have to take a stand. I'm talking about drawing a line in the sand, Dude. Across this line, you do not...

Long story short, take a look at this thing below, whatever it is. I suppose we all knew kids were stupid and they'd fall for any piece of shit you polished up to a slick enough sheen, but this right here, this...whatever this is -- vocoder crunk screamo? -- is literally the end of the line.

It's ok, you had a good run, music. All things must come to an end though, right? I wouldn't have minded squeezing out a few good more years, but I suppose we'll always remember the good times.

brought to you by



Why did I watch that whole thing?

Anonymous said...

i could not

Anonymous said...

good lord.

Begbie said...

Oh, they're calling her a liar. Now I get it.


I'm watching it again. Shit, what if I start to like it?

Anonymous said...

this is fucking unreal. UNREAL.


Like I said, I like some shitty shit, but jesus fucking christ help us all.

Anonymous said...

I keep going back to remind myself that it's really as bad as I thought it was.

dieyoung said...

when does attack attack come up to the chopping block?


i don't mind this attack attack song nearly as much.

although good god, the self conscious headbanging moves in that video are awful.

D. Jean Mustard said...

in a way though, kinda psyched to see the dude from Flickerstick do well, ya know?


Unfortunately saw these dudes once and I never really determined what I thought honestly. I just sort of absorbed it and moved on with my life . . . That Attack Attack! song ain't bad. Didn't expect the Autotune pop outro . . .


Shit, I think I might kind of like it now.



i said...

i'm with wells on this one


Let's get freaky now. Let's get fucking freaky now!


"i'm with wells on this one"

dcmp said...

I thought about doing something like -xtobal vs the world pre-war briefing but thought better of it


because they're both sketchy perverts, right?

Anonymous said...

i think there has been the equivalent of these guys in every decade and genre since the beginning of whenever. right? actually, no, this may be the end. time to sell my congas

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